Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12

Jonathan Kay has written a book about conspiracy theories and our paranoia about who is directing world leaders. Well, God directed Samuel who directed Saul....

I Samuel 12:16-17  NP A12

May 11

Madeleine McCann has worked hard at keeping her family intact after the abduction of their oldest daughter in Portugal in 2007 and has written a book about it. Unfortunately she is still be criticized, poor woman, with the empty arms.

Proverbs 15:1  NP A3

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10

Acai berries are supposedly a super food but I prefer the food described in John.

John 6:35  NP AL5

May 9

Last May I wrote about a man with no name, who allegedly is known as Kribi and he says that God told him to tell the truth. No one is really believing his story.

John 6: 20-21  NP A3

April 7

I wonder where Hannah fits on the "mommy matrix"?

I Samuel 1:24-28  NP A12

May 6

Ignatieff and Ruth— new beginnings.

Ruth  NP A4

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5

The last paragraph of a brief biography on bin Laden asks us to imagine how different things could have been, if he was a leader who used his power for good not evil. I wonder if he had ever been offered living water.

John 4:13, 14  NP A18