Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31

"Never-say-die" is what many oncologists believe and so they go to extreme lengths, often without compassion, to avoid death, without reducing suffering. Jesus did suffer and he knew that he had to die.

Luke 9:22  NP A2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30

Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore says that using more wood will save our forests. His reasoning  sounds very redemptive, kind of like canceling debt every seven years.

Deuteronomy 15:1-6  NP A17

March 29

Jesus, please calm the madness of human smuggling.

Luke 8: 24-25  NP A1,2,3

March 28

Nothing can be hidden, not even human smugglers.

Luke 8:17  NP A1

March 26

I thank God for our children.

March 25

Is the Canadian government building on a rock solid foundation?

Luke 6:46-49  NP A10

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

Blessed are you who mourn.

Luke 6  NP A17

March 23

The people in Japan, including babies, have no choice but to fast. I pray for the return of the bridegroom.

Luke 5:34   NP A24

March 22

Bloodshed pollutes the land.

Numbers 35:33  NP A6

March 21

The rescue of a grandmother and her 16 year-old grandson in Japan, is nothing short of a miracle.

Luke 5:1-11  NP A4

March 19

Such immense hardship for Japan, hear our cries Oh Lord, from the ends of the earth and lead us to a rock that's higher.

Psalm 6:1, 2  Montreal Gazette A1 A8

March 18

How long will you assault a man?

Psalm 62:3  International News (Paris) 1

March 17

Sometimes images are too much.

Psalm 60:2  Libération (Paris) 3

March 16

Thank you God for being a refuge in times of trouble... are people in Japan feeling that too?

Psalm 59:16  International Herald (Paris) 1

March 10

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath.

Proverbs 11;14  City AM (UK) 1

March 9

If Jesus disciples had cell phones, would he still have asked "couldn't you watch with me?"

Mark 14: 37, 38  Toronto Star A1 A4

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 8

We all tend to complain.

Numbers 11  NPA14

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7

One of the goals of Canadian defense researchers, is to push biometric science to develop a system that can secretly scan people's brains in order to look for hostile intent. We try so hard to know everything.

Mark 13:32-37  NPA4

March 6

The Lord make His face shine upon you.

Numbers 6:24-26   WP16

March 4

In a parable, Jesus tells the story of the man who owned a vineyard and sent his son to protect it. The son was killed. Six women were killed trying to protect their rights.

Mark 12:1-8  NP A11

March 3

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10  NP A12

March 2

Gaddafi is blind and delusional, Bartimaeus may have been delusional but he had faith.

Mark10:46-52  NP A3

March 1

More seniors are going bankrupt, the young man who Jesus loved, choose not to give away his wealth.

Mark 10: 21  NP FP 4