Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16

What if the four angels, that John saw,  holding back the four winds of the earth could have saved the 27 migrant workers and their families? Oh God, please wipe the tears of those who mourn and the witnesses who could do nothing but listen to the screams of the children.

Revelation 7  NP A15

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15

Many motorist were trapped under a blanket of snow on Highway 402 to Sarnia because of severe weather. But they had to wait to be rescued.

Revelation 6:9-11  NP A1

December 14

Is Canadians debt like having seaweed wrapped around your head?

Jonah 2:5  FP1

December 13

Could King George V1who had a speech impediment, but struggled to conquer it, lay his crown down and say "You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory and honour and power"? Can I?

Revelation 4:10,11  NP B12

Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11

One of the little known effects of in-vetro fertilization is fetal reduction — oh God! if you kept a record of our sins, who could stand?

Psalm 130:3  NP A10

December 20

Jewish leaders in Calgary practiced restorative justice with a teen who really hates Zion.

Psalm 129: 5  NP A10

December 9

NP published a story along with revealing photos, about 218 charges laid in a huge child porn bust. Could we not put these photos on billboards instead of ads?

Proverbs 29:18  NP A15

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8

I don't think cutting off someone's nose and ears counts when we are commanded to discipline our children.

Proverbs 29:17  NP A15

December 7

Canadian hospice workers say that their work with the dying is teaching them how to live. May all go well with you, even as your soul is getting along.

3 John 1:2  NP A2

December 6

Leo Tolstoy wrote "The aim of an artist is not to solve a problem irrefutably, but to make people love life in all its countless, inexhaustible manifestations." Sounds like a message for Christians.

3 John 1  NP A2

December 4

In John 1 I read not to believe every spirit, even well written leaks.

I John 4:4-6   NP A 30

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 2

An atheist group in Toronto is rolling out a new set of posters with the slogan: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Even if there is a mountain of evidence, the world still chooses not to know him.

I John 3:1  NP A2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1

Gideon's International wants to distribute bibles to classrooms and the Ontario school board is having big problems with this. Although there is no official church and state separation in Canada, the state has an obligation to insure that public schools don't impose religious views or engage in coercion. This may be a problem because the Bible pretty much speaks for itself.

I John 2  NP A2