Monday, January 31, 2011

January 30

My reading of the Israelite's exodus from Egypt corresponds with the continuing turmoil and protests in Egypt. Seven horrible and violent days now.

Exodus 12: 29-36  NP A2

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 29

Financial Post has endless suggestions on how to get rich. I wonder how oil would fit through the eye of a needle.

Matthew 19:23, 24  FP1

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28

According to Canadian Catholic bishops only chaste men and women are capable of true love and sex should be approached with purity of mind as well as body. This message of becoming one flesh is not really the one we get from Hollywood.

Matthew 19:4-6  NP A1,7

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27

The UN Human Rights Council is undergoing a review of its work and regrettably, it seems, that not much has changed and there continues to be undue suffering. It seems that many countries are still forcing people to make bricks without straw.

Exodus 5:1-21  NP A12

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26

A brief article about personal responsibility, in the Post, says that the confessional aspect in most religions actually helps people face their responsibilities. Moses facing his responsibilities was part of a bigger plan.

Exodus 3:11  NP A15

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25

China wants to merge nine cities to create one big centre of 42 million people. The Israelites had to make bricks for the Egyptians. What are we asking the Chinese to build for us?

Exodus 1:8-22  NP A3

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24

Many communities in Newfoundland are considering resettling their people due to climate change and economics but many of the older residents refuse to go and want to "drown there".  Jacob/Israel knew about resettlement.

Genesis 49:29  NP A3

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 22

The article about the death of personal responsibility in our society resonates with me and made me wonder what Josephs' brothers felt when they finally had to come clean about tossing the poor guy into a well.

Genesis 45:26,27  NP A10

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21

Artist Peter Alexander Por who portrays "the story of oppression, pain, suffering, persecution and death" reminded me of the dancing daughter who wanted to see someones head on a plate.

Matthew 14:1-12  NP AL

January 20

A Toronto mosque for Islamic radicals has received hundred of thousands of dollars of foreign donations and Muslin writer Tarek Fatah says that we will pay a heavy price for this in the future. It seems that seeds are being sown.

Matthew 13:24-30  NP A1

January 19

Most of the time lies, cover-ups and closed doors cause more hurt and damage—except in Joseph's case.

Genesis 39:1-21  NP A13

January 18

A tree is recognized by it's fruit.

Matthew 12:33  NP FP1

January 17

Smugglers are preparing to ship many Sri Lanken refugees to Canada, a ruthless and dangerous business that's more about the bottom line then saving the lives of human beings. Please God bring justice.

Matthew 12:18-21  NP A4

January 15

A group of women are challenging the rules surrounding praying at the Western Wall. Rachel protested also when she lied about having her period.

Genesis 31:35  NP A

January 14

Pamela Masik paints huge portraits of Vancouver women who have been killed and her exhibition has been cancelled. Is closing your eyes to groaning of the needy exploitation?

NP AL   Psalm 12:5

January 13

Amy Chua is a tiger mother free of insecurity— God disciplines those he loves.

Proverbs 3:12  NP A 13

January 11

The Pope would like babies to have biblical names as a way to permeate them with the faith. These biblical babies were named after they were born and were raised in the faith.

Genesis 25:24  NP A1

January 10

It's so difficult to wrap our minds around senseless crimes. He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases, even the mental ones.

Matthew 8:17  NP A2

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 8

It seems that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights has created a hierarchy of suffering. Is Sodom and Gomorrah included in their timeline?

Genesis 18  NP A1

January 7

Give us today our daily bread, with no strings attached, even to those Palestinians who live in welfare-addicted camps.

Matthew 6:11  NP A16

January 6

I think the Lord heard the cries of the homeless panhandler with a radio voice.

Psalm 6:8,9  NP A3

January 5

It seems to me that denying access to the Mark Twain's ideas by making his books political correct is like building a Babel tower.

Genesis 11:1-8  NP A1,2

January 4

I wanted the promise of the rainbow to extend to the Christians who are being attacked and killed in Egypt.

Genesis 9:8-11  NP A1,9

January 3

Dear God, please be with the people who are suffering loss due to the incredible floods in Australia. Were there kangaroos in the ark?

Genesis 7  NP A3

January 1

Thank God for balanced, new beginnings.

Genesis 1, 2

December 18-31

No postings due to surprise visit from daughter, sickness and holidays.

December 17

Canada's western provinces are gaining power and wealth and Proverbs reminds me to say "give me neither poverty nor riches".

Proverbs 30:7-9  NP A1,6