Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7

Frank Gehry, Canadian born architect has been ordered to stop production on a $134 million glass complex in Paris. Apparently, he is outraged. God's instructions were quite explicit when he ordered the Israelites to build the ark. I don't think He would have been stopped.

Exodus 26, 27  NP A14


Evonne Downer said...

I really appreciate your project in general. It is a good way to respond to the events happening in the world and I admire your determination to use art in this positive way. Keep up the fantastic work!

Natasha Van Gurp said...

I admire your determination to do this project. I think that it is great and important to respond in an artistic way to the events that are happening in this world from a biblical and personal perspective.

Krystal said...

I am very inpspired by both your blog and your art. I think it's really cool how you put the Bible in with your art. Your responses are very inspirational.